Last Sunday

We are continuing our way through the Gospel of John together on Sunday mornings. Last Sunday, guest preacher Dennis Adams covered John 6:1-15 (listen). Jesus invited the crowd to ‘eat up’ as he miraculously provided for their needs out of his abundant, divine power.

If you are not reading John each week with a fellow church member or a non-Christian friend, consider starting this week. Familiarity with the passage prior to the sermon on Sundays will enhance your understanding of God’s Word, and it will give a great avenue to develop deeper relationships.  Go here to see a breakdown of what passages we’ll cover for the next several weeks, and go here for a great article on how to make the most of your sermon listening.

Elder Candidates

During the Members Meeting on Sunday, our three elder candidates were announced to the church body. Praise God that he has put it on the hearts of these men to pursue pastoring our church!

Pastor Chuck made five specific requests of every member in light of this.  First, pray – Cover the candidates and your church family in prayer. Ask God to guide and protect us as a body. second, be informed. Study 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 to know the biblical qualifications of elders. Read the testimonies and position papers. Come to the Q&A. Get to know the candidates if you don’t already. Third, pursue. If you feel you’d have some struggle with following one of the candidates as an elder, go and visit with him about it. Seek reconciliation if there’s been some offense. Fourth, disclose. If you know of some reason why one of these candidates are not biblically qualified to serve as a pastor of Church on Mill, please contact a member of the Transition Team directly and quickly. God desires men who are mature to serve as pastors. While the Transition Team feels confident about each candidate’s readiness for eldership, it’s possible they missed something. Finally, affirm. On December 3rd in our worship gatherings each member will be asked to vote on each elder candidate. Those who are affirmed will be installed into office during the last Members Meeting of the year.

Thanksgiving Picnic

Last year our auditorium was bursting out the seams with members and guests from all walks of life for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner. It was a joy to have each person join us and be shown the love of our church family. As our auditorium ran out of space, tables, and utensils, our staff began thinking of ways we could keep the heart of the celebration while making it practically possible to do again. This landed us at Daley Park! This year, there will be plenty of room for you, your co-workers, your family, and your friends. All are welcome, even those who simply happen to walk by the park! Bring a side dish to share and show up around 3:00pm for an afternoon of fellowship, games, kids’ fun, bounce houses, and more.