Brothers and Sisters,

On Sunday, Chuck preached from Mark 6:6-13. What’s the difference between apostles and us? What about the healing they do? Listen in.


As a church family, we are lacking the funds we need in our regular budget at this point in the year. If you’ve gotten behind in your giving, would you catch up via this link? Additionally, pray about giving if you aren’t yet or if you think it may be time to increase your giving.

Summer Sundays

Beginning May 22nd, we’re moving to one gathering at 9:30am for our Summer Sundays. We’ll extend our time together by 15 minutes with more prayer, singing, and a weekly Lord’ Supper.

Members Meeting

At our Members Meeting, we welcomed six new members! Hansley Mussotte will be joining staff as the Director of Music and Media, Zach Hsu will be moving into a permanent Campus Missionary position, and Kyle Nielsen will be taking on the Administrative Assistant position. Praise God for his work in all of these lives.

May our hope continue to be built on nothing less that Jesus’s blood.

Your sister,
