Annually, Pastor Chuck is provided a month of sabbatical. Sabbatical, in this sense, is an extended time set aside for focused prayer, study, rest, and long-range planning and dreaming. Thanks to great teams of deacons, staff, and elders, our lead pastor can devote this time necessary to preach, lead effectively, and recover his spiritual and physical vitality.

This year, Chuck is taking a sabbatical in June. He will pray, rest, read a pile of books, ask God for guidance in the church’s next season of ministry, prepare the preaching plan for the rest of 2021, and invest in some of our ministry partners. Rob Krause, missionary and pastor of Serenissima Bible Church in Italy, and Bryan Jerry, pastor of Light in the Desert Church in Mesa, will each spend a week with Chuck. Pray for him as he labors apart from us for this important month of a different rhythm of ministry. Also, we have a great lineup of pastors, staff, and an adopted missionary who will be preaching while Chuck is away, so pray for them too.

Should you need pastoral help or have questions while Chuck is away, please reach out to any other elders, namely Todd Diehl, Randy Hagler, or Tad Skinner. Additionally, Chuck’s pastoral assistant, Gracie Turner, will handle many administrative and ministry needs in Chuck’s absence. You may reach her here.