Brothers and Sisters,

Two Sundays ago, we learned that the Apostle Paul did not find his confidence, in regards to righteousness, in all his accolades but rather in knowing Christ (Phil 3:4-9).  This past Sunday, Pastor Chuck walked us through how Paul wanted to know Christ.  Paul says in the game of righteousness his confidence is in knowing Christ, but it is quite the surprise to understand how he confidently knows Christ.  He knows Christ through “the power of his resurrection” and by “share[ing] in his sufferings” (Phil 3:10).  It is precisely these two things that brings confidence to Paul that he truly does know Christ.  Christ is not an intellectual mountain Paul has conquered, but a man that he has experienced.  He has seen and experienced the power of God in his own salvation and then willingly walks the tough road of suffering.  This hardly characterizes the vast majority of Christians, but yet this is the pattern that often is laid out for us in scripture (Acts 14:22 / 2 Cor 1:8-9 / 2 Cor 4:7-10 / 2 Cor 12:8-10 / 1 Peter 4:12-19).

Brothers and Sisters, through faith in Christ we experience the power of God in our salvation which leads us to joyously walk the tough road of suffering for his sake.  This results in a deeper knowledge of Christ that, in a circular fashion, leads to seeing and experiencing more “the power of his resurrection” (Phil 3:10-11). Would you spend time this week praying Philippians 3:10, “I want to know [you Jesus] and the power of [your] resurrection, and may [I] share in [your] suffering.”


Membership Intensive

We believe the universal Church is manifest in local churches of which Christ is the only Head; thus each “local church” is, in fact, the church, the family of God, the bride of Christ, the assembly of the living God, the body of Christ, and the pillar and foundation of the truth. The church is distinguished by her gospel message, her sacred ordinances, her discipline, her great mission, and, above all, by her love for God, and by her members’ love for one another and the world. (See Our Beliefs)

With that deep conviction, we value membership as a way to rightly be the church; this, therefore, helps us honor God, be on mission, and truly love one another.  We regularly offer membership class to ensure that as many who are interested have an opportunity to hear what the church believes, why we do what we do, and become a part of COM.  Will be offering a one-day Membership Class on Saturday November 5th at 9am-4pm covering all membership material in one sitting. A one-hour break for lunch will be given at which time attendees are welcome to eat a bagged lunch they bring or go out to buy lunch. Anyone interested in learning more about membership is welcome to attend. The class will be held in the East Wing of the Auditorium.

Local SE Asia Mission Trip

Also on Saturday November 5th from 10am-2pm in the College Building we have the privilege to hear from our mission partners working in SE Asia.  Last year, Church on Mill sent a mission team to SE Asia to work with them, but this year, we get the distinct honor to hear from them live and in person! Join us for a time of learning more about the work of our partners, praying for them and their island, and eating SE Asian food.

Grace be with you,

Bryan Jerry