Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings in the Lord!

Sermon Recap

Last Sunday we had the privilege of hearing from Tad Skinner as he preached God’s word to us from John 2:1-11. We saw that the peculiar story of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding celebration is more than just a display of Jesus’ deity. This first miracle actually pointed forward to the reason Jesus took on flesh and humbled himself to the point of deathto rescue and purify his perishing and soiled brideJesus transformed the water use for purification rights into wine to show that he would soon pour our his own blood to “present the church to himself in splendor…that she might be holy and without blemish (Eph. 5:27). How great the love of Christ!

If you do not feel worthy of to be the bride of the one through whom all things were created…your feelings are justified! But remember the great work this bridgegroom has accomplished on your behalf. Jesus exchanged your sin for his righteousness.You come to God in all the splendor of Christ’s perfection!

Membership Class

Are you interested in becoming a member at Church on Mill, or perhaps simply want to know more about who we are? Join us in the church auditorium on Saturday, September 16th, for our one-day membership class. The class is held from 9 am to 4 pm, with a one-hour break for lunch. Contact Gracie Turner for more details.

Transition Team Recommendations

This Sunday we will be voting on two candidates to replace Todd Diehl and Randy Hagler on the Transition Team. Will you prayerfully consider Pat Nickel and Andy Clare for these roles? You can read their bios here.

In Christ,

Phil Hoshiwara