Church Family,

This past Sunday, Pastor Chuck was back with us! He preached on Mark 10:46-52. Check it out here. During sabbatical, he planned the sermon series for next year, worked on a renewed vision for the church, and refreshed the residency/seminary curriculum that we use to train up leaders. We are so grateful he is back and that the time was helpful for long-term ministry.

Fall Calendar

A new, joyful season of ministry and service to one another is commencing. Check out this featured content with a list of everything coming up. Take 5 minutes to enter it all into your calendar. We’re so excited to spend this fall with you!

This Saturday

Three days from now, we’ll have a Parent Workshop on helping our kids develop healthy friendships. As a church family, we love kids and long to help parents disciple the children well. Join us from at 9am-11:30am on Saturday morning in the Christian Challenge Building! Childcare is available.

Peace and joy,


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