Church Family,

Pastor Tad led us through Psalm 5 on Sunday morning, where we saw how being rescued from enemies applies to us today. Listen in.

New Connection Classes

This week, we begin a new round of Connection Classes! At 9:30, we’ll be split into classes on Sexual Sin (for men in the multipurpose building) and Identity (for women in the Christian Challenge building). At 11:15, we’ll begin to soar over the Word with The Bible’s Grand Story in the Christian Challenge Building.

The Song Sermon & DM Launch

We’ll get to hear from resident Josh Bond for the second long-awaited Song of Songs sermon on Wednesday, January 12th at 6:30pm. Following his sermon, we’ll launch the second semester of Disciplemakers! Join in for just the sermon or the whole evening (till 8:00pm) if you are interested in learning more about Wednesday nights this semester.

A Year & Three Years

This week we begin a year with Mark. We’ll walk with him through his account of Jesus’s life. Read ahead with this schedule. Also, join in for the weekly Bible Reading Plan that many in our church family are just starting. You’ll read through the whole Bible in three years.

What a time to grow with one another in love. While the world becomes more divisive around us, may our unity shine as we invest in each other through the above activities and many more organic opportunities.

Your sister,


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