Brothers and Sisters,
It was a privilege to have Jim Adams sharing with us from Cornerstone in Mesa this past Sunday. Isaiah 6:1-13 truly is one of the greatest stories of man interacting with God. When we interact with God there should be a deep awareness of his Holiness and our need of atonement. This is most obvious here in Isaiah 6, but yet there is an underlying issue sweeping through this theophany (a visible manifestation of God).
Isaiah 6:1 begins with a seemingly useless historical marker that King Uzzaih had died. This certainly grounds this event in time but there is a stark contrast between the death of a human King and the glorious aliveness of our Heavenly King! Though the King was dead and peace was threaten, God is still seated on His “throne, high and lifted up!” King Uzziah had been a good King who reigned for many years and now he is dead. What will come of the country? What will happen to the kingdom as the powerful Assyrians loom in the distance ready to pounce? Unanswered questions overshadow by the glorious view of God seated on his throne where seraphim were calling to one another, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of host; the whole earth is full of his glory.” (Is 6:3)
In our political season may we be reminded that God still sits on His throne. The scriptures speak regularly of God being our king, our ruler, and our authority. The nation of Israel at the election of Saul rejected a theocracy—God as their king (1 Samuel 8:7). May we participate in our worldly elections with both eyes looking up never rejecting and always knowing with full assurance that He alone reigns supreme. As political elections come and go may we be reminded He sits on His throne for eternity, not a mere four years. Many reading this perhaps have no citizenship here and are only in the states to study or work. Would you, brother or sister, pray for us as we seek God above as our ultimate authority and hope.
Wednesday Night Activities
Don’t forget Theology Night this Wednesday Aug 10th! We will be exploring how to respond to the latest trend of mass shootings we have experienced over the summer. Then next Wednesday August 17th all regular adult Wednesday night classes will begin. This semester will include DiscipleMakers 1 and 2, Regroup, and Financial Peace University. For more information on all these classes click here.
College Lunch
This Sunday August 14th will be the first College lunch. If you are interested in attending please meet out on the patio after the gathering to walk down to the Naylor’s house. This first lunch will include international students as well. Please extend invites to any college students you know!!!
Grace be with you,
Bryan Jerry