Brothers and sisters,

As always, it’s a joy to gather with you all each week. I hope you’re surviving this Arizona sun!

Sermon Recap

Last week Dr. Greg Tonkinson asked us the question, “When are we likely to doubt God?” Very often our trust wavers when bad things happen. Psalm 13 gives us a model for our own responses to trials and tragedies in life. First, we can honestly proclaim the misery. David did not hesitate to tell the Lord that he felt forgotten, that sorrow was in his heart “all the day,” and that his enemy was exalted over him (v. 1-2). Second, we can ask for deliverance. It is okay to ask for God’s help, even that he would rescue us from the situation (v. 3-4). Third, we must trust God. Whether he removes the trial or keeps us in it, we can trust in his steadfast love knowing that ultimately our hearts will rejoice in his salvation (v. 5-6). This is because Christ is Lord over all things (review Mark 4-6), and is able to keep his promise to work all things for the good of his people.

If you feel abandoned in an especially trying circumstance, consider taking some time to meditate on Psalm 13, and to pray along with David to the Lord of all things. In the midst of his trial, David could say that the Lord “has dealt bountifully with me” (v. 6). How has the Lord dealt with you in view of the gospel?

5 Weeks

We are 5 weeks out from our 2 Gatherings launch (August 6)! These services will begin at 9:30 and 11:15 am, with connection classes offered during both services. Last week we distributed a little prayer guide for 40 days of prayer leading up to the 2 Gatherings launch. That begins today (6-28)! Join us in asking God’s blessing on this transition, that we would see much spiritual fruit as the gospel goes out and disciples are made.

Also, would you consider serving in one of these specific ministry areas? If you are interested, send us an email and a deacon or staff member will follow up with you.


Please be in prayer for the short-term team leaving for Italy this week as they partner with Serenissima Bible Church to spread the gospel. Pray that they would encourage the church there, and that the love of Christ would be on display before the watching community.

Your brother in Christ,

Phil Hoshiwara