Church Family,

Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 6:14-29. Those God sends with good news will suffer for it as we see through the death of John the Baptist. Listen in here. Don’t forget to give your regular offering if you do so digitally!

Saved to Serve

Each May, we prayerfully prepare for the following school year of serving. We ask that you, brothers and sisters, consider how God might stretch and strengthen you through actively loving our church family on Sunday mornings. Email in to say you are interested in serving with greeting, fellowship, children’s ministry, or the AV and Worship teams during the 2022-2023 year and we’ll get you more information.

Summer Sundays

May 22nd, otherwise known as 11 days from now, will usher in our transition to one gathering for the duration of Summer Sundays. We’ll meet only at 9:30am. Get ready to take the Lord’s Supper each week and enjoy a few extra minutes with the church family. Plan to have lunch with members and guests.

“May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord,” (Psalm 104:34).

With love,
