Brothers and Sisters,

This past Sunday, Chuck came back! After 61 days with covid, he is finally virus-free. We praise God for his kindness! Continue to pray for his health as his body and compromised auto-immune system recover from this significant blow. And listen in to his first sermon back.

Purple House

Spring is a time of beauty and growth. The Purple House represents the hopes of beauty and growth for Church on Mill for decades (and even centuries) to come. Let’s dream big in the way we invest in kingdom work. Consider how God might use you and the resources he’s entrusted you with to bring growth to his kingdom by giving to the Purple House. Give here (select “Building Fund”).

Membership Class

This Saturday, April 9th, from 9am-4pm, we’ll have a Membership Class in the West Wing of the Auditorium. Consider coming as a current member. Be refreshed by a renewed vision for God’s church!


Don’t forget about the Easter Festival on April 16th from 10am-1pm and Good Friday on April 15th from 6:30-7:30pm.

We love you, fam!

Your sister,
