The Servant Songs of Isaiah


Over 700 years before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, God called the prophet Isaiah to deliver a message. Within Isaiah’s message are descriptions of a servant. In [...]

Lies We Believe


What if some of the core ideas we build our daily lives around are lies? Unfortunately, that is reality. Every day we believe things that are simply false. [...]



This 3-week series explores Paul’s letter to Philemon. These sermons will give you an accurate understanding of one of the shortest books in the Bible, and will teach [...]

Lessons From Israel – Part 1


Brothers and Sisters, Jill and I just returned from 10 full days in Israel. We, along with 46 additional believers from multiple churches, had the honor of studying [...]

Malachi – A Passion for God


Both ‘good times’ and ‘awful times’ prove to be fertile soil for the weeds of spiritually disillusionment and apathy to flourish. In Malachi’s day, suffering had not been [...]

Identity – Who Am I?


Who am I? Three simple words, yet many of us spend our entire lives seeking an answer to them. We tend to think of identity as what we own, [...]

Church on Mill 101


Who is Church on Mill? What are we about? Why are we here? What has God told us to do? What beliefs and characteristics define us as a [...]

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