God’s Church, God’s Way


God’s great plan is to redeem a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation for his glory. These people are gathered into local extended families – churches – [...]

Christ Our Life


The Christian life is not primarily a set of ethics, morals, or theological principles. It is not an activity or a behavior. Although it involves those things it [...]

Living Water


The Spirit is an endless flow of living water. But that water can be dammed up by unbelief expressed as fear. Fear is stealth. It’s a chameleon. It’s [...]

The Letter of I John


Authenticity is all the rage today.  Fake is out: real is in.  Interestingly, we’ve become people who value genuineness more than accuracy.  What if the two are inseparable?  [...]

Behold Our God


The most important thing about you is what you think about when you think about God. There’s plenty of speculation about God, but what is He actually like? [...]

Esther – The Unseen Sovereign


Everyone loves a good story. On a typical weekend in the United States, people go to movie theaters, forking over tens of millions of dollars to enter the [...]

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