The 4 G’s


Four Liberating Truths about God The most important thing about you is what you think about when you think about God. Our perspective on God impacts every single [...]



Tough Questions for Troubled Times Abortion. Gossip. Rape. Lies. Homosexuality. Dishonoring parents. Terrorism. Greed. Does God not care? Why is he silent? Can’t he do something? Is it [...]

Back to Basics


God. Gospel. Church. Jesus. Mission. Glory. Sometimes it helps to get back to the basics.  In this series, we’ll do just that.  Think of this as a refresher [...]

Preparing for Christmas


Many of us plan for months to get ready for Christmas. There’s family to call, plane tickets to purchase, shopping, cleaning, cooking, and the like. It’s a lot [...]

Philippians – Unity, Humility, Joy


What distinguishing characteristics make a church truly great and individual Christians truly healthy?  Unity, humility, and joy.  Welcome to the Church at Philippi and the quest of every [...]

Christology 101


Deceived and following false teachers, the church at Colossae had lost a proper view of Christ, one of the central tenets of the Christian faith. This heretical tendency [...]

Songs for Summer – 2016


The Book of Psalms is the prayer and song book of the people of God. For thousands of years believers have turned to the psalms for praise, direction, [...]

Social Currency


We live in an age of information overload. A large percentage of what inundates us is mere sound bites, often calculated and full of spin. These do little [...]

Living Wisely


We live in an age of information overload. A large percentage of what inundates us is mere sound bites, often calculated and full of spin. These do little [...]

Understanding Wisdom


We live in an age of information overload. A large percentage of what inundates us is mere sound bites, often calculated and full of spin. These do little [...]

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