In this series, we will explore the most momentous events to ever rock the Earth: the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. Come discover how these ancient, historical events powerfully speak to the priorities we can have for 2013.

Investigating the Man Who is God - New Year New Priorities
Investigating the Man Who is God - New Year New Priorities
The Certainties of the Resurrection
  • The Certainties of the Resurrection

    The Certainties of the Resurrection

    Jan 27, 2013 • 36:10

    Investigating the Man Who is God – New Year New Priorities (Luke 24:36-43) The Certainties of the ResurrectionDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 36:10 | Speaker: Hansley Mussotte | Download transcriptHero of […]

  • Hero of Scripture

    Hero of Scripture

    Jan 20, 2013 • 37:08

    Investigating the Man Who is God – New Year New Priorities (Luke 24:13-27) The Certainties of the ResurrectionDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 36:10 | Speaker: Hansley Mussotte | Download transcriptHero of […]

  • Greatest Day Ever

    Greatest Day Ever

    Jan 13, 2013 • 36:09

    Investigating the Man Who is God – New Year New Priorities (Luke 24:1-12) The Certainties of the ResurrectionDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 36:10 | Speaker: Hansley Mussotte | Download transcriptHero of […]

  • The Crucifixion

    The Crucifixion

    Jan 6, 2013 • 35:01

    Investigating the Man Who is God – New Year New Priorities (Luke 23:26-56) The Certainties of the ResurrectionDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 36:10 | Speaker: Hansley Mussotte | Download transcriptHero of […]