Brothers and Sisters,

On Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached about taking wise risks. Not only does the Bible address the principle of risk, it emphasizes that risk is a crucial way that we glorify God in everyday life. Listen in.


Deacons serve the church in specialized areas. As crucial to the church as their service is, their godly character is more crucial. Read 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and consider our two new deacon candidates in light of this passage. Read Lindsey and Tanyon’s testimonies, and ask them or an elder if you have questions. We’ll vote during our December 5th Members Meeting.

Thanksgiving Offering

Whatever tomorrow brings, our Lord is always the same. Whether Thanksgiving is a particularly joyful or troublesome day for us, our faithful God has willingly entered into our lives and calls us his son, daughter, and friend. You can give a special offering this week in light of his presence and provision that never fails.

We love you and pray that your holiday is filled with God’s peace.
