Church on Mill Family,

On Sunday, Pastor Mike taught us that only God’s grace through Jesus Christ can make the unrighteous righteous. Listen in to learn what Jesus says about your righteousness and mine.

Parent Workshop: Friday!

How can we help our kids love the people in the world without loving the world itself? Isolation for our kids isn’t our goal; drawing people to salvation through demonstrating the love of Christ is! Join in for a Parent Workshop this Friday the 25th from 7-9pm in the Christian Challenge Building. Activities for kids of all ages will be available. Check out the info sheet here.

Connection Classes

New Connection Classes started this week in the Christian Challenge Building, and it’s not too late to join in. Knowing God truly is possible, and when we come to know him more truly we can grow in our love for him and others. Join in on Sundays at 9:30am. Or, women can join in for In Christ, a class about our identity, at 11:15am. The men’s class, Sexual Sin, is in the multipurpose building at 11:15am.

May the words of our mouths and meditation of our hearts be pleasing to our LORD, our rock and our redeemer. (from Psalm 19:14)

Your sister,


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