

  • News Blog: June 19, 2024

    Brothers and Sisters, Last week, Rob Krause preached on Genesis 18. Listen in here. This week, we'll study Genesis 19 with Chuck. Consider meeting up with someone to read the passage before Sunday! [...]

News Blog: Let’s Meet!

August 24th, 2022|Comments Off on News Blog: Let’s Meet!

Church Family, This past Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 11:1-11. [...]


Dear Church Family, Last Sunday Where did Jesus come from? Last week we considered Jesus’s roots in Matthew 1:1-17. Scripture [...]


Dear Church Family, Philipians 4:4-7 Last Sunday Phil took us through Philippians 4:4-7 to end our thanksgiving series. We learned [...]


Dear Church Family, Last Sunday The people of God have always been a singing people. “Make a joyful noise to [...]


Dear Church Family, Ruth 4:13-22 Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck ended our study in Ruth as we concluded chapter 4. It [...]


Dear Church Family, Last Sunday It is often said that the kingdom of God is an “upside down” kingdom. To [...]


Dear Church Family, Ruth 3:1-18 Last week Pastor Chuck walked us through Ruth 3:1-18. We saw Naomi hatch a daring [...]


Dear Church Family, Last Sunday Husbandless, childless, and with no means of provision, Ruth returns with Naomi to a foreign [...]


Ruth 1:22-2:17 What a beautiful story we read in the scriptures last week. Ruth, a woman broken and alone after [...]

Three Ways

Dear Church Family, Last Sunday Hardship always bring with it an opportunity and a danger, an invitation to grow or [...]

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