

  • News Blog: June 19, 2024

    Brothers and Sisters, Last week, Rob Krause preached on Genesis 18. Listen in here. This week, we'll study Genesis 19 with Chuck. Consider meeting up with someone to read the passage before Sunday! [...]


November 2nd, 2022|Comments Off on Adoration

Brothers and Sisters, This past Sunday, Josh Bond, former Pastoral Resident [...]

News Blog: Vision

October 19th, 2022|Comments Off on News Blog: Vision

Church Family, Last Sunday, Chuck preached on Mark 13:1-13. Jesus was [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Many of us spend our lives thinking that independence is the goal, but Pastor Chuck shared [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday we began our new year of serving rotations (which God provided for abundantly through [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday After over half a year in 1 Samuel, we ended our series on this [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday Pastor Chuck taught us that in David's dependence and obedience on God, God gave [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday David strengthened himself in the Lord in his time of need. We know we [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday In Shing's sermon on 1 Samuel 27-28, we saw David run to the enemy [...]


Church family, Last Sunday At just the right time, Abigail stepped into David's life as God's way of protecting [...]


Brother and Sisters, Last Sunday David took refuge in God, so he found the mercy of God. As he [...]


Church Family, Last Sunday Each day, we have voices coming at us from a thousand places that say they [...]

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