

  • News Blog: June 19, 2024

    Brothers and Sisters, Last week, Rob Krause preached on Genesis 18. Listen in here. This week, we'll study Genesis 19 with Chuck. Consider meeting up with someone to read the passage before Sunday! [...]

News Blog: Upcoming

November 10th, 2022|Comments Off on News Blog: Upcoming

Church Family, This past Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 14:12-31. [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday, we were thankful to hear from Dennis Newkirk, Pastor Chuck's dad. He brought us [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday, Chuck told us about two paths that we can walk on: the path of [...]


Church Family, Last Sunday, the message began with "Oh foolish Galatians!" Chuck showed us why Paul had such strong [...]


Brothers and Sisters, We heard from Erik last Sunday about the ever-present temptation to hypocrisy in our lives and [...]


Dear Church Family, Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck took us on a journey from Antioch to Jerusalem where we learned [...]


Church Family, Last Sunday Pastor Chuck led us through Galatians 1:10-24. He showed us that the gospel that Paul [...]

No Other

Church Family, This past Sunday we learned this equation: Jesus + Anything = Nothing. The gospel necessitates that we [...]


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck brought us the first message of Treasuring the Grace of Christ, [...]


Disciples of Christ, Our church has been given the great commission of going and making disciples of all nations. [...]

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