

  • News Blog: June 19, 2024

    Brothers and Sisters, Last week, Rob Krause preached on Genesis 18. Listen in here. This week, we'll study Genesis 19 with Chuck. Consider meeting up with someone to read the passage before Sunday! [...]


Church Family, Did you know that Matthias being added as the twelfth apostle is one reason we can stand [...]


Church family, Is Jesus still working? Sometimes it can seem that his redemptive work was all in the past. [...]


Church Family, On Sunday, we learned from Jonah together that God appointed a fish, a plant, a worm, and [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last week during Chuck's sermon on Jonah 3:1-10, we saw that, when sinners repent, God's answer [...]


Brothers and Sisters, We embarked on a new journey through the book of Jonah this past Sunday as Chuck [...]


Church Family, Last Sunday, Chuck preached on 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. Paul told us that, not only do we give, [...]


Church Family, This past Sunday, Chuck reminded us of the selfishness that threatens our every cent. We are tempted [...]


Brothers and Sisters, "The Bible says that what you have today is enough," was a provoking and convicting statement [...]


Brothers and Sisters, Last Sunday, we were honored to hear from Andy Clare, a gifted brother in our own [...]

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