Brothers and Sisters,

Last week, Pastor Chuck preached on Revelation 5. Listen in here. This week, we will study Revelation 6 together

Room to Send Summit

Our first of three Room to Send Summit is this Friday! These Summits will be fun and informative times designed for us to learn how to participate in the expansion of our church auditorium. Every member’s involvement is critical! If you have not yet RSVPed for the summit to which you have been invited, please contact Annie Hsu at (510) 364-8095.

Prayer Meeting

This Sunday is our first Prayer Meeting of the fall! We’ll enjoy a short devotional from Tucker Hammargren, one of our new pastoral residents, and a long time of corporate sharing and prayer. Join from 6-7:30pm! Childcare is provided.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you,” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

Your brother,
