Church Family,

This past Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 11:1-11. In this passage, Jesus comes to Jerusalem, welcomed as a king! Just as quickly, the crowd dissipates. What can we learn about Christ’s kingship from this passage? Listen in.

Members Meeting

This Sunday August 28th, we’ll gather from 6-8pm for a Members Meeting. We’re committed to Christ and one another as a church body, and Members Meetings are an essential tool to living out this commitment. We update one another, hear discussions, pray together, and grieve and celebrate together. Plan to spend your Sunday evening with the church family this week.

Wednesday Nights!

Did you notice you got this email a few hours early this week? That’s because tonight from 6:30-8pm is the first meeting of Disciplemakers, preschool, kids, and youth classes! Disciplemakers will equip every Christian, new or seasoned, to be a disciple-making-disciple of Christ. Unsure of what that means? Tonight is Launch Night: AKA Just-Come-Check-it-Out Night! We’ll meet in the Christian Challenge Building.

Praise to our God, the only true God! He is able and willing to work all things for his glory and our good.

Your sister,


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