Brothers and Sisters,

Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 12:18-27 last Sunday. The passage was about the Sadducees and seven husbands and was another attempt to corner Jesus. Listen in.

New Connection Classes

On October 2nd, we’ll begin the classes Sex in a Confused World (9:30am) and Jesus, the True and Better (11:15am). As the people of God, we take his words and apply them to specific aspects of our lives and faith. Come to one of these classes if you aren’t serving in the next rotation to do this with your church family.

Drop a Pin

The most important thing about us as a church is that we have a right understanding of gospel doctrine and live it out as gospel people. As we do this, things like our purpose, values, individual gifts, and mission flow out! During our Disciplemakers Intensive Drop a Pin, we’ll take a close look  at these. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to root yourself in the church family on October 1st from 9am-12pm (with light breakfast at 8:30am).

If you would like to give an offering, you can do so here.

“The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loved the righteous,” (Psalm 146:8).

Your sister,
