Brothers and Sisters,
Last week, Dr. Nathan Tarr preached on John 3:1-15. Listen in here. This week, we’ll look at 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 with Pastor Chuck.

Disciplemakers 2 & 4 begin next Wednesday! Disciplemakers is one of the ways we come alongside one another at Church on Mill to be transformed by the gospel. Together, we learn how to be an effective disciple of Jesus who invites people into the incomparable joy of following Jesus. Come to the first informational meeting on January 15th at 6:30pm in the Christian Challenge building to learn more!

Deacon Candidate
Deacons fill one of two biblical church offices: Elder and Deacon. The word “deacon” means servant, and these men and women serve the church family in an official capacity. A deacon candidate, John McClintic, was announced on Sunday. Read his testimony here. We’ll vote on him at our January 26th Members Meeting.