Church on Mill Family,

Last Sunday, Pastoral Resident Josh Bond taught us from Mark 9:14-29. We learned what it means to come down from the mountain: what does ministry look like after we’ve seen the glory of God? Listen in to the sermon here. Notice the full Mark playlist with all of the videos from the first half of the series!


Proof Pirates Vacation Bible School begins on Monday! You haven’t missed your chance to register or invite your friends and neighbors. Sign up here. Let’s share the gospel, the only way for sinful people to be made right with God, to those most precious to us.


To be a Christian is to be generous. Does that sound odd to you? If so, you have an untapped part of your identity. Seeking to honor God with your resources is in line with who he has made you to be as his disciple. You can give an offering to the ministry of the church here. Especially seek to give if you’ve fallen behind in the summer months.

Do you follow us on Instagram? We post several times per week. Look for important happenings and fun pictures with @churchonmill.

We love you, church!

Your sister,
