Brothers and Sisters,
Last week, member and past Pastoral Resident Josh Bond preached on Genesis 5. Listen in here! This Sunday, we’ll study Genesis 6:1-8.

Easter Weekend
You saw the wonderful memories from last year’s Easter Festival above, and we hope that you are getting excited for one of the most special weekends of the year for our church family! Good Friday is on Friday, March 29th from 6-7:30pm, the Easter Festival is on Saturday, March 30th from 10am-1pm, our Easter Gatherings are at 9:30 and 11:15am.
These are all for you, brothers and sisters, to enjoy the fellowship of the body. They are also wonderful times to invite friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family to see first-hand the love of Christ at work. Plan to join in and bring someone along! And this Sunday after church, grab some free pizza and help us canvas the neighborhood!

Brave in Babylon
A fantastic opportunity to learn from a godly author and pastor is just around the corner. If you have the availability to join, this is a worthwhile investment of your time! Learn more by clicking here.

Brother or sister, life reigns in you! Remember this truth as you encounter the death the reigns in the world. (Genesis 5)
Your sister,