Jesus is Better2020-08-04T17:15:25-07:00

Discovering in a Momentary Trial the Eternal Truth that Jesus is Better: Content for COVID-19

“Don’t long for ‘the good old days.’ This is not wise,” (Eccl. 7:10 NLT).

These are days of unusual disruption. To one degree or another, all our lives have been unsettled by the coronavirus pandemic. It’s tempting to think, “If only things were like they were!” or “Life will get easier when everything is back to normal.” While understandable, we believe God has something grander in mind.

The content on this page is devoted to the truth that Jesus is better. He’s obviously better than the coronavirus, but he’s also better than lifted stay-at-home orders, secure jobs, typical schedules, freedom to enjoy hobbies, and gathering with friends and family at will. He’s better than health, wealth, and ease. His nearness in a pandemic is better than a pandemic-free, Jesus-less existence. He’s better!

Crisis can be a catalyst for growth. Our prayer during this pandemic is not merely that we would tread water and get through it, but that we’d experientially find God to be glorious, sufficient and trustworthy – more than we’ve ever imagined. May we discover in this momentary trial the eternal truth that Jesus is better.


Jesus is Better Bites are 3-minute videos made to give you a quick reminder of how you can grasp onto the provision of Jesus during COVID-19 days.

Click to see them all.

How can We Relate to God? S2 E4
How Can We Have Peace and Joy? – S2 E3
Why is it Difficult to Read and Understand the Bible? – S2 E2
Did We Come From Monkeys? – S2 E1
Humility – Episode 18
Parenting – Episode 17
Hospitality Intentionality – Episode 16
Mind the Gap – Episode 15
Money – Episode 14
Remember Death for Life – Episode 13
Unity and Uniformity – Episode 12
The Bubble of Holiness – Episode 11
Let’s Focus on Fear – Episode 10
Derailed Relationships – Episode 9
Faithful to the Anxious Heart – Episode 8
Depression – Episode 7
You Got Served (fake bread?) – Episode 6
Ants in Your Pants – Episode 5
The Pandemic of Loneliness – Episode 4
Take a Rest with Todd – Episode 3
Taking Anger out of the Driver’s Seat – Episode 2
Under House Arrest – Episode 1


Jesus is Better the Podcast provides an opportunity to listen in on conversations between pastors, leaders, and church members on various topics. We think together on how to turn day-to-day experiences into an opportunity to joyfully acknowledge, once again, that Jesus is Better.

Jesus is Better the Podcast is available on Spotify, iTunes, and Stitcher.




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