Dear Church Family,

1 Samuel 19:1-20:42

Saul fell deeper into jealousy this week as he tried repeatedly to kill David. Through the intercession of David’s wife, David escaped and fled to Ramah. Saul tried three times to send hit-men after him but each time they were overcome by the spirit and turned back. So Saul rolled up his sleeves and decided to go himself. God intervened in a way that can only be described as comical as the spirit of God fell on Saul and he stripped himself naked. In doing so, God did not just strip Saul’s clothes, but He made it clear that Saul was stripped of the kingship as well. God truly will deliver His anointed by whatever means necessary. You can check out the sermon here.

VBS Testimony

Last week we finished a successful VBS and on Sunday got to hear first hand from Lucas Samsill. Lucas said he had a great time and he learned “when life is unfair, God is good.” It was a fun week of learning for all the kids who came out. Be sure to thank the volunteers as you see them and ask the kids what they learned when they come back from kids camp.

Membership Statement of Faith

Here is a link to the proposed membership statement of faith, we will be voting on it in August so please get acquainted with it.

Your Brother in Christ,
