Church Family,

This past Sunday, Pastor Tad preached from Mark 10:1-12. The passage talks of marriage and divorce. Jesus aims to show us the heart behind marriage in general through showing us the intent of God in creating it. Listen in.

Resource Round Up!

Pastor Chuck is always looking for resources that build up our church and unite us around common vision for the gospel. Below are a few!

This podcast episode that highlights our partner’s work in Italy. The link is to Spotify, but search “The Acts 29 Podcast” and then look for “How Italian Churches are Serving Ukrainians with Rob Krause” on your podcast service.

This book by a man who was called The Heavenly Doctor Sibbes in his own time. The Bruised Reed is medicine to our pained souls.

This podcast episode that features one of our own beloved pastors as he discusses preaching with Dr. Arnold.

This book that helps us understand how we have ended up in a world in which sexual identity has been redefined and politicized. Our church residents read Strange New World this summer and found it extremely helpful.

We’re thankful for each week we have with you, church family!

Your sister,
