Dear Church Family,

1 Samuel 16:1-23

Last Sunday we looked at 1 Samuel 16:1-23 where in shocking reversal David was chosen to be king. David was the youngest and the smallest of his brothers, he was the last person one would think could become king. And yet God makes himself clear that David is the chosen king of Israel, because God looks not on the outward appearance of a man but on the heart. David would come to be known as a man after God’s own heart. How encouraging as we consider the people God chooses to use. You can check out the sermon here.

Vacation Bible School

June 3rd-7th VBS will be going on! As we serve the local children be mindful of who you can invite to join us this coming week. We are still looking for a few volunteers so contact Elissa Gruendler if you would like to help.


Lynn gave a great testimony about the joy of serving as a greeter this last Sunday. If you also would like to find a place to plug in and serve you can email

Summer Study

Summer Study will begin every Wednesday starting June 12th at 6:30pm, come and join us as we walk through 1 John together.

Revised Membership Statement

We have revised the membership statement of faith, you can find it here.

Your Brother in Christ,
