Brothers and Sisters,

Josh Bond, one of our Pastoral Residents, preached on Sunday from Mark 6:1-6. When there is no faith, there is no healing. Listen in to learn.

Members Meeting & The Purple House

We are thrilled to be preparing the purple house (as we speak!) for residents to live in this summer. This property gives us a bigger square of land to work with when it comes time to build buildings. The hope is that these buildings enable sustainable ministry for decades to come.

Should the decision seem wise, it is possible that we may only need to sell one of our two empty lots to fund this property. This would allow the second lot to remain for future housing or building opportunities. You can give here to that end. Just select “Building Fund.”

We’ll talk about the purple house this Sunday night during our Members Meeting from 6-8pm. We’ll also welcome many new members during the meeting and care for one another through updates and prayer. Don’t miss out!

Your sister,
