Church Family,

On Sunday, we read Mark 7:24-37 and learned that the grace of God in Jesus Christ is available even to unworthy outsiders. May we remember afresh and anew each day that if not for the grace of God all would be lost. Beloved, may we be a church where there are no outsiders. All who respond to the gospel, whatever their skin color, age, spiritual backstory, or eduction, are welcomed at the table of grace.

As you enjoy the grace of God this week, here are a few things to lift in prayer, the very throne of grace:

  1. Abby and I returned from Thailand a few days ago. Thank you for praying for our safety. Pray now for Phil, Julie, Sophie, and Addie Hoshiwara as they remain in Thailand. Pray for language learning, for divine appointments to share the gospel, for friends, for on-the-ground partners in ministry, and for perseverance.
  2. Kids Camp is next week. Pray for the 10 Church on Mill kids headed to Payson for the week.
  3. We remain about $20,000 behind in giving to the ministries of the church. Pray for members to be generous as we continue deeper into the summer.
  4. Opportunities abound to disciple one another. Pray for those who are a bit further along in their walks with God to be diligent to open their lives to those of us who are younger in the faith. Pray we’d become a church known for mutual care and growth.

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit,” Psalm 51:12.

Your sister,
