Church Family,

When God makes gold, it is glorious to see. On Sunday, we saw his work in Pastor Rob Krause, our friend and partner who serves at Serenissima Ministries in Italy. In his sermon, he painted a joyous vision of what it means to seek the glory of God rather than the glitters of the world, and he did so as a primary example of this type of faithfulness.

Don’t miss this week’s Q&A. We dive into what exactly Serenissima Ministries and Rob Krause are doing, and how Church on Mill can keep investing in the gold going on.

We Need Ribbons (among other things)

Every year, we come together around VBS by providing supplies that help the gospel be presented to kids in vibrant and tangible ways. Would you look at this list and see what you could pick up by June 27th?

We Need You (among others)

Every year, we come together to love one another and grab hold of one of the main means of grace that God provides: serving. Serving one another isn’t just something we want you to do, it’s all over the New Testament. Email here to start serving.

“Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart,” (Proverbs 3:3).

Your sister,
