Brothers and Sisters,

Jesus has authority to forgive sins. But he didn’t tell us such an eternity-changing truth without providing evidence. Listen in to Dr. Meade’s sermon from Sunday if you missed it.

Parent Workshop

It’s a leap of faith for parents to send their kids into a room of people they can’t control, much less the world. How do we equip our kids to walk faithfully in the world while not falling victim to its lies? Come to our Spring Parent Workshop on February 25th from 7-9pm in the West Wing, “Helping Your Kids Live in the World but Not be of the World.” More info here!

Marriage Conference

Join many from Church on Mill to hear Ray and Jani Ortlund, two published authors, lead us through their field of expertise: marriage. Marriage reveals a greater reality, God’s redeeming love for sinners. Don’t miss out on this excellent, unique, affordable, and local opportunity! Info and registration here.

Church families are a tiny taste of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. As we are now united to God, we are united to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. May we persist in unity!

Your sister,


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