Featured Content2019-08-19T12:05:51-07:00
  • Beginnings, Part 2

    This coming Sunday we’ll start a new sermon series called Beginnings, Part 2. Whenever you spot a part 2, even the simple-minded (like me!) know part 1 is somewhere in the rearview mirror. In [...]

Elder Reaffirmation

November 29th, 2023|Comments Off on Elder Reaffirmation

All lay Elders serve four -year terms with a one-year required [...]

A Year with Mark

We're about to embark on Mark as a church family. We'll spend a year with him! Here's what it [...]

The Grove

The Grove (Church Planting Network) For many years, several pastors around the Valley have explored the possibility of forming [...]

For God’s Glory

Your pastors don't often talk numbers, perhaps even to a fault. Too often churches slip into thinking "success" is [...]

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