Dear Church Family,

Last Sunday

It’s hard to imagine what the people of Israel must have felt after being taken as captives to Babylon, removed from everything they knew and loved. We caught a small glimpse of their experience last Sunday as Andy Clare preached from Psalm 137—“By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion…” (v. 1). Only the promises of God sustained them, promises to fix what was broken and to bring about God’s perfect justice. We too, like the Israelites, live in a fallen world as exiles. We are “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ…” (Titus 2:13). Let’s remember God’s promises, and set our hearts on our true and eternal home. In our exile, we have reason to sing!


This week our church is putting on Vacation Bible School for kids in our church and community. Lots of hard work has gone into this, and for good reason! VBS is a great opportunity to disciple our kids, and to share the wonderful news of Jesus with many children who may not have regular gospel teaching in the home. Please be praying for the VBS volunteers to have endurance, and for the kids and families in the community to be impacted by the gospel.

Your brother in Christ,

Phil Hoshiwara