Church Family,

On Sunday, Erik, our Executive Director of Collegiate Ministries, preached a sermon on Mark 1:40-45. He took us through the life of a leper, and then he showed us how Jesus traded his privileges for the leper’s desolation. Don’t miss this sermon.

Membership Class

What is Church on Mill all about? A better question might be: Who is Church on Mill? We’re a people, not a place. And we’re a people in which every one of us is reconciled to all of the others, for being united with Christ unites us to one another. This Saturday, the 12th of January, we’ll explore what church membership looks like during our Membership Class in the West Wing from 9-4. Bring a friend looking for a church! Email here to RSVP.

New Connection Classes

On the 20th, there will be a new round of Connection Classes! Plan now to come at 9:30am to Knowing God or at 11:15am to Sexual Sin (for Men) or In Christ (for Women).

We are thankful for you, Church on Mill! God has blessed us with one another. How can we bless one another in new ways this week?

Your sister,


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