Skeptics Welcome

Skeptics Welcome

“And when they saw him [Jesus] they worshiped him, but some doubted” (Matt 28:17).
“And when they saw him [Jesus] they worshiped him, but some doubted” (Matt 28:17).
We realize many have significant questions and even doubts about Christianity. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, our doors and our lives are open to you. We long to be a church where the Bible can be explored among genuine relationships regardless of how close or far you might be from trusting God. We believe the Christian faith provides honest answers to complex questions, so we welcome you to study the Bible, watch our lives, and process your doubts and concerns about spiritual truths. Visit us on Sundays or try out one of our groups. You are welcome here.
Below are books we recommend as you consider the claims of Christ.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (Bible). The first four books of the New Testament (in the Bible) were written by contemporaries of Jesus. These books are essentially biographies about the life, actions, words, and times of Jesus Christ. They are without equal in their early dating and God-given message.

Who is Jesus? (Greg Gilbert). If Jesus was not who he said he was and if he did not do what the Bible claims he did, nothing else in Christianity is worth your time or consideration. Christianity rises or falls on Jesus. In this short book, Gilbert winsomely articulates who Jesus is and why you can trust him.

Mere Christianity (CS Lewis). Originally given as talks over the BBC during World War II, Mere Christianity is a classic yet assessable introduction to Christian belief. Lewis follows and applies logic to questions of faith. Millions have found this to be the definitive resource for considering the claims of Christ.

The Reason for God (Tim Keller). In many ways, Keller is a modern day CS Lewis. Written from a kind and rational perspective, Tim Keller makes claims for why Christianity makes sense, addresses modern objections, and tackles the major Christian beliefs.

Why Trust the Bible? (Greg Gilbert). We live in an information-age. Any previous generation could never have imagined the access to ideas we can on our smartphones. With so much data at our fingertips, how do we determine what information is trustworthy? Christianity claims the Bible as its only source of truth and authority. Find out why in this short book, as well as interact with common misunderstandings about where the Bible came from.

God is Not One (Stephen Prothero). Prothero is an outstanding writer who has tackled an important issue no one seems to be talking about – the major religions of the world do not teach the same things and the differences matter. The author makes no claim to be a Christian, but articulates the reality that all the world’s religions can’t contradict each other and be correct at the same time. Differences matter. If you are troubled by Christianity’s claim to truth, check out this book.