
 Every follower of Jesus is gifted by God and called to serve Him.

Rom 12:3-8, 1 Cor 12:4-11, 1 Pt 4:10-11, Eph 2:8-10

 Family Ministries

Preschool  Serve with children under 5 by teaching, assisting, or care-taking.

Children  Teach elementary school a pre-assigned curriculum.

Youth  Co-teach Middle School or High School a pre-assigned curriculum.

Teaching Ministries

Gospel Communities Lead a home group in gospel, community, and mission.

Connection Classes Teach or assist in an on-campus Bible study.

Disciplemakers Facilitate a small discussion group of men or women.

Fellowship Team Ministries

Greeting  Welcome guests and guide them on Sunday mornings.

Hospitality  Facilitate fellowship between gatherings with food and comfort.

Clean-Up Crew  Reset materials, Bibles, and pick up between services.

Special Events  Serve occasionally by assisting with special events.

Coffee Bar Make espresso drinks and be a friendly face on Sundays.

Worship Gathering Ministries

Audio  Mix the sound of the band and ensure microphones are ready.

Media Shout  Prepare and run Powerpoint slides during Sunday Gatherings.

Music  Play the drums, bass, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, or sing.

 If you are interested in serving, email or text (480) 967-0569