

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27)
A relationship with Jesus leads to a relationship with Jesus’s people – the church. You see, the church is not the buildings, the pastor, or the programs: the church is the people. Here’s a working definition of the local church from a respected pastor…
“a group of pardoned rebels…
whom God wants to use to display his glory…
before all the heavenly host…
because they tell the truth about him…
and look increasingly just like him – holy, loving, united.”
The decision to join a local church is one of the most important decisions we make in life. Church membership is an expression of faith in God the Father, absolute confidence in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and trust in the Holy Spirit’s ability to empower spiritual growth, community, and service.
People do not naturally agree to die to self for the good of others, open their lives for accountability and care, give up time and money, or love God and love people. Only God allows us to supernaturally be transformed into people who joyfully do these things. Local church membership is proof of the reality that God is alive and changing hearts.
Membership strikes at the very heart of what it means to be a follower of Jesus! A Christian is a forgiven child of God who, as a disciple, seeks to make disciples who make disciples in the context of a local church. In other words, Christians follow Jesus and help others follow Jesus. In this way, the church gives the world a picture of the gospel. Lived out, membership is an anecdote to self-sufficiency and self-absorption that rules our culture. This is God’s chosen means to keep us walking with Christ.
Learn more about membership by attending one of our upcoming classes or by contacting the church office to meet with an Elder.