

There are many ways that we live out our lives in Christ. With God and others, we live full and joyful lives by participating in the environments of membership below.

We live individually for God’s glory in every day life by practicing spiritual disciplines, pursuing holiness, sharing the gospel, and showing kindness to all.

We faithfully set aside weekly time to read the Bible within one-to-one relationships and do day-to-day activities with one another with the purpose growing up in Christ and helping others come to know Jesus.

We get together in a variety of groups. Gospel Communities enable substantive time together in the word, on mission and community. Disciplemakers equip Christians to live out their identity as a disciple-making-disciple. Connection Classes grow our application of the word in our lives.

Gathered Church
We gather corporately every Sunday to celebrate the Risen Savior, encourage one another, pray, and get equipped for lives of holiness and mission through the preaching of Scripture. We also periodically observe the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.