
Church on Mill weekly blog


By |2018-11-14T14:38:50-07:00November 14th, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Ruth 4:13-22 Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck ended our study in Ruth as we concluded chapter 4. It was a beautiful ending to Ruth's profound story, illustrating God's providence. We saw the fruit [...]


By |2018-11-07T12:14:04-07:00November 7th, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Last Sunday It is often said that the kingdom of God is an “upside down” kingdom. To be first is to be last. To be humble is to be exalted. We saw [...]


By |2018-10-31T12:27:35-07:00October 31st, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Ruth 3:1-18 Last week Pastor Chuck walked us through Ruth 3:1-18. We saw Naomi hatch a daring plan for Ruth that might just work towards them finding a redeemer. Through Ruth's courage [...]


By |2018-10-23T21:39:53-07:00October 24th, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Last Sunday Husbandless, childless, and with no means of provision, Ruth returns with Naomi to a foreign land. She will put her lot in with the God of Israel and seek refuge [...]


By |2018-10-17T10:11:35-07:00October 17th, 2018|News|

Ruth 1:22-2:17 What a beautiful story we read in the scriptures last week. Ruth, a woman broken and alone after the death of her husband, finds herself a sojourner gleaning in a field for scraps [...]

Three Ways

By |2018-10-09T11:11:50-07:00October 10th, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Last Sunday Hardship always bring with it an opportunity and a danger, an invitation to grow or to shrink. Last week in Ruth 1:6-22, we saw three women respond to incredible hardship [...]


By |2018-10-03T11:13:11-07:00October 3rd, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Ruth 1:1-5 Last week we started a new series in Ruth. Ruth is a great book dealing with questions like, "Can we trust God?" "Can we actually count on him when things [...]


By |2018-09-27T08:00:30-07:00September 27th, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Matthew 24:36-51 Last Sunday Pastor Tad took us through Matthew 24:36-51. In this passage Jesus reminds us to be mindful and faithful as we await his return. Jesus tells us that two [...]

Soul Watch

By |2018-09-19T16:06:44-07:00September 19th, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Last Sunday Last week Pastor Chuck preached from Matthew 18:15-20. In these verses, Jesus calls the church to take an active role in the discipleship and discipline of its members. We are [...]


By |2018-09-12T10:41:52-07:00September 12th, 2018|News|

Dear Church Family, Matthew 26 Last week we observed Jesus institute the Lord's supper in Mathew 26. Pastor Chuck first took us back to the Passover in Exodus and reminded us how God instituted the [...]

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