
Church on Mill weekly blog

The Eye of a Camel

By |2022-08-03T18:01:33-07:00August 3rd, 2022|News|

Church Family, This past Sunday, Pastor Mike taught us about how difficult it is for a needle to go into the eye of a camel...or something like that. Listen in on YouTube for the [...]


By |2022-07-28T09:13:31-07:00July 27th, 2022|News|

Church Family, This past Sunday, Shing taught us about Jesus' words concerning children in Mark 10:13-16. Listen in here if you missed it! This week, Mike will teach on Mark 10:17-31. Read ahead to [...]


By |2022-07-20T17:50:41-07:00July 20th, 2022|News|

Church Family, This past Sunday, Pastor Tad preached from Mark 10:1-12. The passage talks of marriage and divorce. Jesus aims to show us the heart behind marriage in general through showing us the intent [...]


By |2022-07-13T18:13:42-07:00July 13th, 2022|News|

Church Family, This past Sunday, Josh Bond preached from Mark 9:30-50. We saw that we are to humble ourselves and die as disciples of Jesus. This is a weighty message, but it is one [...]


By |2022-07-06T18:22:01-07:00July 6th, 2022|News|

Church on Mill Family, Last Sunday, Pastoral Resident Josh Bond taught us from Mark 9:14-29. We learned what it means to come down from the mountain: what does ministry look like after we've seen [...]


By |2022-06-29T16:10:52-07:00June 29th, 2022|News|

Church Family, Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 9:2-13. This passage gives us a glimpse of God's glory in Jesus's transfiguration, and this glory has the capacity to answer many of our questions [...]


By |2022-06-22T19:01:56-07:00June 22nd, 2022|News|

Church Family, This past Sunday, Dr. Brian Arnold of Phoenix Seminary preached for us at Church on Mill. When we see God truly, we follow him rightly. Our banner to the world becomes undeniably [...]


By |2022-06-14T17:27:41-07:00June 15th, 2022|News|

Sisters and Brothers, On Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 8:1-12. Jesus fed the 5,000 earlier, and in this passage he fed the 4,000. Why? The answer is surprising and compelling. Be sure to [...]


By |2022-06-09T16:48:49-07:00June 9th, 2022|News|

Church Family, On Sunday, we read Mark 7:24-37 and learned that the grace of God in Jesus Christ is available even to unworthy outsiders. May we remember afresh and anew each day that if [...]


By |2022-05-18T20:41:45-07:00June 1st, 2022|News|

Church Family, This past Sunday, our Pastor of Family Ministries, Mike Bond, preached on Mark 7:1-23. What place does tradition have next to the commandments of God? Listen to the sermon on our YouTube channel. Youth [...]

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