Deacon Testimony of Shane Wolf
Hello, my name is Shane Wolf. Many of you already know me. But, for those who do not, allow me to share a bit about myself and God’s work in my life. It all [...]
A Train Wreck
Nick Fryberger is a member of Church on Mill who serves by teaching Connection Classes. In this article, he addresses spiritual derailment. Last week, we and a watching world witnessed a painfully concrete example [...]
Church Family, Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached from Acts 15:36-16:5. In this passage, we learned about holding fast to our convictions while holding our freedoms with an open hand. Dive into this sermon to [...]
Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters
Caroline Clare writes of seeing God's principle of generosity in COVID times. Caroline is a member of Church on Mill who serves in the greeting ministry. When the pandemic started this spring, Andy and [...]
The Waiting Place
Kristina Chow is a member of Church on Mill involved in Life Among the Nations and Preschool Ministry. In this article, she explores hope in The Waiting Place. Have you read Oh! The Places [...]
Church Family, On Sunday, Pastor Chuck was back preaching with Acts 14:1-28. In this passage, we learned that the Word of God triumphs as it breaks into new areas, even in the face of [...]