What You Miss if You Miss Church
Imagine a basketball player being drafted into the NBA. He is picked by a team, goes through the ceremony, receives his jersey and hat with the team logo, but at the end of the day [...]
Imagine a basketball player being drafted into the NBA. He is picked by a team, goes through the ceremony, receives his jersey and hat with the team logo, but at the end of the day [...]
Brothers and Sisters, Something exciting is happening at Church on Mill just about three months from today! You’ve probably heard about it by now, and if you were able to attend our Members Meeting last [...]
Brothers and Sisters, Happy New Year! I hope your Christmas and New Year's holidays were restful and fruitful. 2017 is here so there's much to update you on in terms of church life. Last Sunday [...]
Brothers and Sisters, I can hardly wait to see all of you this Sunday! After 8 weeks away on sabbatical it will be thrilling to worship our King together this coming Sunday morning as we start Philippians. Wednesday [...]
Christianity is intensely relational. First, God invites us into the Trinitarian community of the Father, Son, and Spirit. And then he commands us to live out Trinitarian level unity and commitment towards each other. Mentoring [...]
Hello Brothers and Sisters, Today marks the start of my third week of sabbatical. Here's a few thoughts from the first two weeks (in no particular order): I miss you! By God's grace Church on Mill [...]
Brothers and Sisters, God’s plan has always been to redeem a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation who would enjoy him and display his glory forever (Revelation 7:9-10). These people are his Church, embodied [...]
Brothers and Sisters, Hello from Sacile, Italy. I've missed you! God is doing powerful things around the world of which Church on Mill is a glad part. I will share much more in person but [...]