Where did we come from? The story begins with the eternal God creating everything out of sheer joy and unparalleled power. All that he made was good! He put human beings in a garden to represent him, reflecting him in their relationships and responsibilities. As God cared for them they cared for his world. His good word guided their lives. Read Genesis 1-2 to learn more about creation.


Is there any hope? While we deserved only judgment God extended grace. He promised to deal with sin. He promised death would not reign forever. He promised a new beginning. How? Mysteriously God chose one family to follow him, demonstrating God’s goodness, power, and mercy. From this family would come a great nation. From that great nation would come a Savior. This Savior, Jesus, would become the hope of all people. Read Genesis 12:1-3 to learn more about the promise.

