Brothers and Sisters,

This past Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 11:12-25. Surprisingly, we got to see how figs and the cursing of the temple were connected. The Bible is incredibly intricate, and this is a stunning text. Be sure to listen in if you missed it.

Members Meeting Recap

During our Members Meeting, we welcomed seven people into our covenanted community. We also released a relatively large number to the care of other churches (and two to the infinite joy of the presence of our savior). We also took time to review a revised spending plan, hear about two trips members made to mission partners, and consider the vision of our church family.

Members Meetings are a great time to see the true and precious weight of being knit into a body of Christ in a local church. Our next is October 23rd from 6-8pm.

“But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, ‘Great is the Lord!'” Psalm 40:16.

Great is the Lord!

Your sister,


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