Church Family,

Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on Mark 9:2-13. This passage gives us a glimpse of God’s glory in Jesus’s transfiguration, and this glory has the capacity to answer many of our questions in the Christian life. If you are suffering, anxious, bored, or confused, the transfiguration is for you.


God has called us to not just spread the gospel in Tempe, but to participate in extending the gospel to men, women, and children around the world. For this purpose, on Friday, we’re sending five church members to minister to our mission partners at 20Schemes in Scotland. Pray for Randy, Kyle, Jordan, Jackson, and one more Kyle as they go to help with Holiday Club, our partner ministry’s equivalent to VBS.

Vacation Bible School

There’s hardly a better opportunity to share the gospel with the kids of Tempe than our VBS, coming up in just a week and a half. We love children, and Jesus valued their faith as incredibly precious. Let’s tell them about God’s amazing plan to restore all things to himself! VBS is July 11th-15th from 6-8:30pm. Register here and share with friends!

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me,” Mark 9:37.

Your sister,
