Church Family,

This past Sunday, Dr. Brian Arnold of Phoenix Seminary preached for us at Church on Mill. When we see God truly, we follow him rightly. Our banner to the world becomes undeniably clear! Listen in here.

Saved to Serve

The people of Jesus, by grace, grow into people who simply seem like Jesus. We love more and more, work for his glory more and more, and serve one another more and more. Sign up to serve on rotation for one year to meet a need on Sunday mornings.

Amazing Grace for Kids!

VBS is unique: parents who don’t go to church entrust their kids to our church family for five nights! It is a gift to them in giving them free time, and a gift to their family as they each come to know the person of Jesus a little better. What a time to invite friends and neighbors! Sign up here, and send the link to friends.

Brothers and sisters, let us excel in praying for Pastor Chuck and his family (Jill, Abby, and Micah) this week as he has covid for a second time. Pray for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Your sister,
